2024-2025 Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

A full classical-liberal arts education requires 100% commitment from families and students to be what it aspires to be. Time spent in the classrooms under the guidance of teachers is essential for learning daily. The Great Hearts classroom is not a place of busy work or simply whiling away the hours for students. It is where irreplaceable instruction occurs, where mistakes are corrected, where good habits are ingrained and strengthened, where minds and souls are intensively formed by the intellectual and moral guidance of teachers. Missed in-person learning cannot simply be made up through independent completion of assignments, readings, or review of classmates’ notes.
At Great Hearts Academies, the expectation is for your child to attend school at a minimum of 97% of the school year. This translates to no more than five missed days per school year. It’s understandable that some challenges to your scholar’s school attendance are unavoidable, such as an illness or a family emergency, however, it is important to understand the impact absences have on your child’s success. We need your partnership as the parent/guardian to ensure your child attends school daily and on time. The information in this document will answer many of your attendance questions. Please reach out to Ms. Williams if you need further clarification.